Saturday, 5 December 2015

Is Diabetes Curable by Drugs ?

Diabetes cure without drugs, Treatment with out Medicine

Diabetes Cure without drugs medicine Treatment

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First of all, I am not a Doctor and not an expert in this subject. Being a diabetic for may years, I am curious to know, has any one got permanent cure from diabetes ?. So far I have not met anyone who has completely relieved from this disease.
Most of those who follow conventional alloppathic ( English )  medicines will end up in adding doses yearly. Those who started with a single tablet in year one will need two on second or third year and it goes on.... Later the Dr will tell you to switch to insulin.
The story never ends here. Insulin dosages increased yearly. Then Insulin plus Tablets......   So I wonder where is the cure ? Does Doctors have an answer?
In India, often people recommend for Homeopathy or Ayurvedic treatment. Here too there is no proof for recovery.
Residing in Kerala, the southern most state of India, there are few unconventional treatments for diabetes. I complied some of them here. Here too I am not sure about the results.

1. Laddu Therapy by Dr Prasad.

Here the Dr prescribes a Sweet ( Laddu ) to be taken with medicines and exercise to activate the beta cells in the pancreas. As per him a shot of sweets will activate the beta cells and need to be maintained by doing exercises. Medicines to be taken initially and gradually brought down as the sugar level comes under control.

Watch full video talk by Dr Prasad in the link below ( Talk in Malayalam )
A sweet treatment for diabetes

2. Plant stem 

This video shows treatment using a local plat stem . Stem to be cut about one inch length and after removing the  dark skin, crush it and soak in water overnight. The water to be consumed in morning in empty stomach. He claims that his sugar level came down from 600  to 60  in a week !!!

Click for English

The plant is identified as Tinospora Cordifolia
Diabetes Cure without drugs medicine Treatment

3. Okra ( Ladies Finger ) for diabetes

As the Video is in English you can view the content. This is widely shared in Facebook, Whatsapp and other social media but not aware of the results.

4. Diabetic Cure in 72 hours by Dr Biswaroop Roy Choudhary

This Doctorr claims that Diabetes can be cured in 72 hours by avoiding medicines and by following a natural diet. Food to be consumed with out cooking avoiding all non vegetarian items, milk and milk products etc. He also recommends use of Hunza tea. The video is  worth watching and talks more about Nitrous Oxide Foods.

5. Naturopathy 

Many claim that diabetes can be cured through naturopathy. The below center in Kerala is one among them.

Diabetes Cure without drugs medicine Treatment

Testimonial by eminent scientist Dr Vijayan in the video link below ( In Malayalam )

6. Long Wheat ( Khapli Gehu )

Recently someone told me that consuming broken wheat as gruel three times a day and continue for an year, you will get relieved of diabetes.

Diabetes Cure without drugs medicine Treatment

Long Wheat experience documented

Please go through the following link for a real life experience

Next . . .

Is there real cure ?

My humble question is, has anyone got cured of diabetes permanently ? Are there any other unconventional therapies in your area?  If you have any such experience, share here so that Millions of people get relief..

Diabetes Cure without drugs medicine Treatment

For more information

Thanks for reading the blog Diabetes cure without drugs and Treatment with out Medicine

Here's the Truth About Curing Your Diabetes!